Clients ask me questions about their life purpose which include the following. What is my life purpose? How do I find my life purpose? Am I on track for my life purpose? These are all valid questions, as we are all searching for “meaning” on our journey, in what we call “life.” I tell clients I can give you some direction, however I ask you, “what do YOU want to do in this life?” Many will tell me that they don’t have an idea or direction. However, I do believe we intrinsically know what we are here to do on Earth. I ask clients to let me know what their “passion” is or what they love to do. Another question that I ask them, is if you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do? If you can honestly answer this question, it will give you an idea of what your journey or path is! I then tell clients to write down on a piece of paper the things that they are passionate about and not to discount anything. For me, I would write down chocolate!! Many years ago, I did this work of writing things down on paper and I did have the word chocolate on my paper! I will even go one step further and share with you that I even talked and interviewed with a chocolate company for a position. So, nothing is out of reach, it is what YOU like or passionate about. Just write it down and come back later, to see if you are still passionate about it. Another way that you can help you to discern what your life purpose is, would be to work with the Archangel Nathaniel. The meaning of his name means “the Gift of God.” Archangel Nathaniel helps you to find your life purpose. He comes in as the color “red” and is ready to work. So, I will caution you, if you are NOT ready to work on your life purpose, then I would suggest not to use him at this present time. He is a one-two punch and is READY to  work NOW! He helps to get rid of things that are not serving you and would be a “spring cleaner” of what needs to be shed! Archangel Nathaniel brings about “BIG CHANGE” and you need to be ready to accept whatever this change may be! Sometimes this may not be what you were expecting or desiring! Remember, you are in charge of your life, so MANIFEST in what you would like and be crystal clear, so he is aware of what you are looking for too! So, if you are ready to make some changes and work on your life purpose, all you need to do is ASK for him to come in. Ask him to help you remember your life purpose, or contract of what you are here to do on Earth school. He will start this process immediately, so don’t be surprised if things happen at a rapid pace. If the pace is a bit too fast, ask him to slow it down a bit for you, to process the change. Archangel Nathaniel wants to help serve you and align you with your purpose. He is ready to work and he works quickly! I had one client that asked him to work with her and she was given the information that very night, after our reading! Again, you need to be READY and WILLING to make this change and make it quickly! Remember to thank him, as you would do with any Angels you are asking for their assistance. Finally, finding out what your life purpose is, helps you to know the pathway on your journey in Earth. Take the time to find out what you are passionate about, manifest, and call in Archangel Nathaniel. These are great tools to find out your answer. Your answer can be just a thought away on what to do, it just depends on how quickly you want to start this process! Remember, it is up to you, are you ready to your path to your start your life purpose?