As we encroach on the New Year of 2017, have you thought about what your New Year’s Resolutions might be? In other words, what do you want to “manifest” in this year? When you actually start to view it from this perspective, you then realize it is actually up to YOU to figure out what you want! Remember the Universe waits on you to decide, either good or bad, what things you desire. So start to write a list of what you want this year. Put down all the thoughts no matter how crazy or obscure they might sound. Think of this as a menu of things that you desire! Then start to work on bringing these things in this year. Thinking crystal clear, doing actions or making affirmations assist in this process. Continue this process throughout the year. Scratch off any that have been obtained and continue to work on the others that haven’t been achieved. The Universe will provide you with anything and everything you are wanting, it is just knowing how to manifest it crystal clear! The better you get at manifesting the more things the Universe will provide. It is as simple as that! So what are you New Year’s Resolutions going to be this year?