I get many Angel nudges from my Angels daily. What are Angel nudges or what signs do angels give you?  Angel nudges are the thoughts that you should be doing something. They are usually subtle thoughts that come across your mind for no apparent reason. However, they come across your mind because the Angels are nudging you to do something that would benefit you. This could be anything, like driving a different way home and you realize if you went the usual way there was an accident. Or maybe you feel you need to go back and check if your curling iron is off. When you go to check it was on! Or maybe you felt you needed to bring another pair of shoes to work and you did. Well then later you got a blister from your shoes you were wearing, and you had the others to change into. These are Angel nudges from you Angels. Pay attention to them because they are wanting to help you on your path to make it easier. Sometimes we negate the nudges we get and not listen to them. We might think I don’t need to do that or maybe you are too tired to listen or are sick. However, many times we realize later the Angels were nudging us to help us. This has happened to me on a few occasions and when I look back I realized I wasn’t listening because I was tired or sick. Here are some examples of Angel Nudges that ignored, and it cost me.

Example 1– I was not feeling the best one day and I had a repair man out in the garage, he fixed the repair and I thought I closed my garage. I had got into my bed and I was nudged to check something in my car that I left in there the night before. However, I was feeling sick and thought I will get it in the morning. Well, that night my garage door was open, and someone had stolen some things out of it. If I had listened to the Angel Nudge that would not have happened.

Example 2– I was being nudged to back up my computer on my external hard drive. I thought about it and then forgot to write it down and do it later. Then last week there were some automatic updates for my computer and it crashed the entire computer with the death black screen. Trust me, you don’t want this! After an entire day, I got back about 75% of my data and in process of rebuilding the rest. I wished I had listened to that Angel Nudge!

Example 3– I was going out for a bike ride and I usually take my keys, I was nudged by the Angels to get my keys. Well, I did something else and I forgot to take them on my ride. I went for my bike ride and I came back, and I couldn’t get into my garage with the code, the battery had died without me knowing. If I had listened to the nudge of the Angels I would have had my keys and it wouldn’t have been a problem. I was fortunate that my neighbor was home and had an extra battery and it got me in my garage door. I know now that I won’t forget my keys on my next ride.

So, the next time you are getting a thought in your mind, pay attention, the Angels are giving you a nudge. These Angel nudges are here to help us make it easier on us. Sometimes we negate them because of things going on, being tired or sick. However, even if this happens, its more the reason to act on the nudge! Pay attention to the Angel nudges, because more than likely it will be something that will help you in the long run!