The tarot can also be used to understand what your sign of the zodiac for your birth! Look at your card and see how it represents you!
Aries-The Emperor (March 21-April 19)
Taurus– The Hierophant (April 20- May 20)
Gemini– The Lovers (May 21- June 20)
Cancer– The Chariot (June 21- July 22)
Leo– Strength (July 23- Aug 22)
Virgo– The Hermit (Aug 23- Sept 22)
Libra– Justice (Sept 23- Oct 22)
Scorpio– Death (Oct 23- Nov 21)
Sagittarius– Temperance (Nov 22- Dec 21)
Capricorn– The Devil (Dec 22- Jan 19
Aquarius– The Star (Jan 20- Feb 18)
Pisces– The Moon (Feb 19- Mar 20)