Please Text Nikki Tucker, for more Information 602-577-8245|

Traits for a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)


Are a sensitive person or an empath? Do you feel other people's energy easily? If so, you are clairsentient which I have blogged about before. However, some people that are clairsentient have more of a

Traits for a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)2019-10-17T11:47:18-07:00

Are You Clairsentient?


What is clairsentient? Clairsentience is an ability to clearly sense physical and emotional feelings from past, present and future. People who are clairsentient are very sensitive beings who are able to tap into the vibrations

Are You Clairsentient?2019-03-22T19:48:54-07:00

The Six Different “Clairs”


What are the “clairs” and how do you develop them? Clairs is short for clair senses, which involves using your intuitive senses to reveal things. Spiritual information is all around us and it is just

The Six Different “Clairs”2018-09-17T03:59:11-07:00


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