Please Text Nikki Tucker, for more Information 602-577-8245|

Crystals for the Sign of Libra


There are so many different crystals that we can work with. I wanted to blog about different crystals that can work with different Astrological signs. Each sign has different attributes, personality traits, strengths, weaknesses etc. that we

Crystals for the Sign of Libra2018-11-04T21:03:13-08:00

Crystals for Sleep


Are you having a hard time sleeping? Do you just want to wake up refreshed and ready to go for the next day? Well you can! One way you can do this is to get

Crystals for Sleep2018-11-04T21:03:49-08:00



We have all heard this quote like this, “give to others, so it can come back to you.” Give. But is there truth to this? For me, I personally believe there is truth in this




What is validation? Validation can be defined as being recognized, proving we are right, or feeling worthy. We all want to be validated in some way in our life’s.  Maybe it is being that star


Angel Feather Colors


I love to communicate with the Angels! They are always here to assist us on our journey in Earth but we must ask for their help. Asking is the key for them to assist you.

Angel Feather Colors2018-11-04T21:09:32-08:00

Crystals for the Sign of Virgo


There are so many different crystals that we can work with. I wanted to blog about different crystals that can work with different Astrological signs. Each sign has different attributes, personality traits, strengths, weaknesses etc.

Crystals for the Sign of Virgo2018-11-04T21:07:22-08:00

What is Synchronicity?


Many times, we have things that happen in our lives and we just pass is off as a coincide, but is it really? Those things that we just can't explain or maybe it was a

What is Synchronicity?2018-11-04T21:12:07-08:00

Psychic Attacks


I blogged about Psychic Vampires and now I wanted to expand on this with Psychic Attacks.  What is a Psychic attack? When a psychic vampire is sucking your energy, they are depleting your life force

Psychic Attacks2018-11-04T21:14:49-08:00

Crystals for Leo


There are so many different crystals that we can work with. I wanted to blog about different crystals that can work with different Astrological signs. Each sign has different attributes, personality traits, strengths, weaknesses etc.

Crystals for Leo2018-11-04T21:15:16-08:00

The Importance of Grounding


I did blog about Balancing Your Energy but I wanted to expand on "grounding." What is grounding? Grounding means that your physical body and soul are connected to Mother Earth. Grounding is important because it

The Importance of Grounding2018-11-04T21:16:07-08:00


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