Please Text Nikki Tucker, for more Information 602-577-8245|

Plant a Seed Not a Weed


I was listening to a podcast from Jay Shetty and he was discussing how people think.  Our thoughts are constantly flowing in our minds, each second of the day. What you think is what you

Plant a Seed Not a Weed2021-02-11T12:07:51-08:00

What You Can do During the Coronavirus to Help


I have had many people ask me what they can do during this time of social distancing. There are many things that we can do to make a difference. Remember we are all One and

What You Can do During the Coronavirus to Help2021-03-28T17:54:57-07:00

Purple Aura


What is an Aura? An aura is an energy field that surrounds one’s body. This can be of a person, animal, item like a rock or any living thing. Aura’s have color, which can help

Purple Aura2020-03-06T06:36:19-08:00

Self Care


Are you always helping others and forgetting about you? Are you eating badly and forgetting to nourish your body? Are you in a relationship that is draining your and not supporting you? Is your body

Self Care2020-02-28T19:44:31-08:00

Crystals Used for Anger


We all have days where we just feel anger inside. Well, these crystals will help to reduce the anger and calm you back down! Again, put them in your pocket or bra, just make sure

Crystals Used for Anger2020-02-21T09:32:37-08:00



Today is Valentine’s Day and it’s time for LOVE! No matter if you are experiencing romantic love or not, there is always something or someone to love! I want you to look at all the


Number 2


I have blogged about Numerology before and today I wanted to share with you what the number 2 represents.  The number 2 in numerology is associated with partnership, balance and teamwork. When I think of

Number 22020-01-21T07:10:03-08:00



Since we are starting this new year, many people have done new years resolutions. I know that I have done mine and I wanted to share with you an addiction that I am working on


Archangels Rainbow of Energy


I have blogged about Archangels but I wanted to blog about each one separately to give more information on a few of them and their Energy Ray colors they associate with.  There are 7 Energy Rays or

Archangels Rainbow of Energy2020-01-19T20:11:05-08:00

The Joy of Christmas


I love Christmas as it brings so much joy and love to people. I have been getting in the Christmas spirit by singing Christmas songs and watching Christmas movies too. However, the biggest joy I

The Joy of Christmas2019-12-26T10:00:49-08:00


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