With the recent violence that has spurred in our country, I wanted to briefly blog about this today. It is very saddening to me that we still live in a world where the color of skin is an issue. For me I just do not understand how this can be. A human is a human no matter what shade of color their skin is. We are ALL ONE no matter what race, gender, sexuality, religion, social status, or background that we come from. We are all people and we all should be treated the same! Its unfortunate that we are still living in a society where racism exists. The only way we can eliminate this is that it starts with YOU! Make a difference, speak up and stand up for others and be their light. Everyone deserves to be treated equally! As I think of equality, I immediately think of Martin Luther King Jr. and how he stood up for racism over 60 years ago!

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot

                                                   drive out hate, only LOVE can do that.”

Ask yourself, how can I be the light for others and bring in love? Remember it starts with YOU! Will you make a difference and show We Are All One?