When giving readings to clients many times I mention the words “Free Will.” However, sometimes the client does not understand the concept of this terminology, so I wanted to touch on this subject.

What does the concept of “free will’ mean?

Free will is described as the ability to make YOUR own choices without letting “fate” step in. When each individual comes to earth, we encounter many different things that we need to learn on that journey. This is what I call our “blue print” or outline of what we are learning, here on earth. Within this blueprint, we have lessons to be learned. Then within those lessons, we have choices or “free will” on how to go about learning those lessons. Basically, we have control over our actions or freedom when learning these lessons. However, I do want to mention that this does not mean we don’t have moral responsibilities!

Free Will in readings

When a reader mentions “free will” in a reading, here are a few things that can help you to understand the steps of how this works.

  1. Choices – This is when the client is given a “choice” in which they need to decide which is best for them. To demonstrate, this would be a “choice” of 2 different jobs that are being offered to the client and which one would be the best choice.
  2. Information given on the ChoiceThis is when the reader tells the client which “choice” would be best for the client at that moment.
  3. Free Will– This is when the client decides what “choice” is best for them and then ultimately the decision is made.

I want to note that just because the reader gave the client the information on which choice was better for them, this does not mean that the client believed it was the BEST choice for them! This is where “free will” comes in! You ultimately choose what is best for you, as you write the script on your journey! Also, sometimes other factors can come into play that makes the alternative choice, the best choice. This situation arises when something else happens and it’s not of your doing, however you are part of the scenario. Here is a demonstration of this type of scenario. You decide to choose Job # 1 and you make that choice be known to the employer.  However, the employer informs you that the person whose job you were applying for decides that they are now staying!  This then leads to you; it’s like a domino effect, now this job is not available for you to choose. What happened here was free will that was exerted by the person that stayed, which in turn affected your choice of the job. This then lead you to pursue a different path of choice!

Lastly, we are blessed to have the choice of “free will.” By giving us choices on our journey, we are able to decide what we think would be best for our lessons to be learned. Ultimately the choices we make will alter the path we take but it won’t change the outline of the lessons. The lessons may be easier on some and harder on others; just remember, we have the blueprint of our journey, we just have to fill in the script!