Do you ever look at the moon and think it is just beautiful? I am one of these people!  I love looking at a new or full moon and seeing how big and bright it is! Sometimes I just gaze at it and other times I just have to take pictures because it is so breathtaking!  I have a friend that pointed out to me the shape of a rabbit in the moon. If you look, you might be able to see the same thing! People like me are “moon people” who just enjoy its presence.  What is interesting is that if you are one of these people, the moon can actually work to assist you in your daily life! When there is either a new or full moon you can use the moon cycles to your benefit. New moons “bring in” things and full moons help to “release” things in your life. Here is how you can use the moon cycles to benefit you!

New MoonWhen there is a new moon you can write on a piece of paper up to 3 things that you would like to bring into your life. Start your paper off with “Thank you for assisting me in bringing in” …. Then bullet point what you are wanting on your paper. The reason we start off the paper with “Thank you” is because you are telling the Universe that what you wrote on your paper has already happened!

To demonstrate on what your paper might look like:

Thank you for assisting me in bringing in:

-more financial abundance

-a new romantic relationship

-more personal time for myself

Full Moon– When there is a full moon you can write on a piece of paper up to 3 things that you would like to release in your life. Start your paper off with “Thank you for assisting me in releasing” …. Then bullet point what you are wanting on you paper.

To demonstrate on what your paper might look like:

Thank you for assisting me in releasing:

-hurt feelings from a relationship

-cravings of food that is not healthy for me

-thinking negative thoughts about myself

Next, you will burn your paper on the day that it is a new or full moon, lighting this with a wood match. Make sure you to burn it outside so that the universe can absorb the ashes and take it away.

Now, I want to note that, sometimes what you ask may not come right away or you may have to take a few cycles of the new or full moon to get what you are wanting. This is because you may have not fully put your “faith” in what you wrote or it could be that it needs more time for the universe to work on this for you! Also, the words that you are putting on your paper or “manifesting” you need to be crystal clear on what you are wanting. To demonstrate: I asked for more “financial abundance” instead of just saying because I wanted to bring in more money. If I just said “abundance” the universe could have provided me with more friendships per se! So remember to be specific on what you are wanting to bring in! Also, there are times when I am not sure what I need to bring in or release so in that case, I put on my paper “For my highest good.” When you do this it allows the Universe to make that decision for you! I always say the universe know what you need to bring in or release!

Lastly, if you are a moon person try this concept out! You will be amazed at how this might benefit you but also it will connect you back with Mother Earth! Giving gratitude’s and blessings back to her, brings in abundance for you!